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Spring Cleaning Tips To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Spring Cleaning Tips To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Spring is in the air, which calls for spring cleaning! But, did you know spring cleaning requires much more than organizing? To learn more, take a look at these 3 spring cleaning tips to help improve your indoor air quality!

Spring cleaning done well can do wonders for your indoor air. From properly clearing dust and particles to maintaining your home comfort system, your indoor air will be ready to take on the warm weather ahead! To ensure your indoor air quality improves this spring season, consider these three spring cleaning tips. 

1. Dust And Vacuum

Your HVAC system can collect dust and debris rather quickly. Not only does dusting and vacuuming help to reduce dust and particles in your home, but it also increases the efficiency of your HVAC system. In turn, this will help to improve your indoor air quality, allowing you to have cleaner air in your home.

2. Think Green

When it comes to cleaning products, fragrance equals chemicals. That fresh citrus scent we all associate with a clean home is just masking the harmful substances underneath. In order to improve your indoor air quality while spring cleaning, opt for fragrance-free or unscented cleaning products. The last thing you want is to unknowingly pollute your indoor air with chemicals in the products you’re using to clean with!

3. Clean Your A/C Unit

During the warmer months of the year, it’s important to cleanse your outdoor unit before relying on the A/C daily, mainly because it has likely been dormant for months. Make sure to clean the outdoor unit of any leaves or debris. Also, consider regular preventative HVAC maintenance, which helps extend the life of your HVAC system!

To learn more about improving your indoor air quality, contact one of our IAQ experts today! 

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