Reduce Outdoor Water Waste This Spring
When the temperature outside starts rising, the need to conserve water is a no-brainer.
Did you know that roughly 50% of the water we use outside to water our grass, plants, garden, etc., evaporates, gets caught in the wind, or ends up running off from over-watering?
We’re here to help with a few water conservation tips to lower water waste and keep your grass green.
1) Inspect your hose.
Inspect your equipment before the first lawn watering. Check for leaks and clogs and fix any broken parts on your hose and sprinkler head, as it could waste thousands of gallons of water over the course of the spring and summer.
2) Set a timer on your water sprinkler.
Before the heat of the day starts and after the sun goes down are typically the best times to set your timer for. This is when the least evaporation occurs.
3) Get to know your plants.
Each plant requires a certain amount of water. Get to know what they need and the best times to water them. Overwatering a plant can be harmful and wasteful.
4) Longer grass is better.
Raise your mower blade up a notch or two. Having slightly longer grass promotes deeper root growth, more water retention, less water loss from evaporation, and most importantly, fewer weeds.
5) Use the rain.
When stormy weather passes through, set a few buckets outside to catch the rain and gutter runoff. Then simply reuse the rainwater to water your plants.
6) Break out the broom.
Instead of hosing off the driveway or sidewalks, try using a broom to move the loose dirt, gravel, and mulch to help conserve water.
We know old habits can be hard to break, but adapting some of these tricks into your regular routine can help eliminate a ton of water waste and cut down on your water bill over time.