Frequently Asked Heating Questions
Getting familiar with your heating system can help you recognize when it requires attention, thereby avoiding costly repairs from an unknown problem, and also save energy with lower utility costs. Contact your furnace repair specialist for more information, and you can enjoy lower heating bills and increased efficiency with the right knowledge.
Will my heating system require regular maintenance?
Absolutely. Your furnace repair specialist can perform all the necessary routine measures to keep your heating system up and running throughout the winter. A pre-season inspection is always a good idea, because it will catch any small issues and ensure that your furnace is ready to go for the winter.
What’s involved in filtration?
Your heating system uses an air filter that should be changed about once a month. This keeps dust and particles from clogging and damaging the components of your heater or furnace’s blower motor, and it also removes pollutants, pet dander, and other allergens from the air inside your home. You might also consider speaking with your heating and air conditioning specialist regarding an air filtration system for your home.
What should I know about the dangers of CO and gas?
Any fuel-burning heating system can produce carbon monoxide or present the risk for a gas leak. Have your heating components inspected at least annually by a qualified furnace repair professional, and be aware of the symptoms of CO poisoning. If you ever suspect the presence of CO or smell gas, evacuate your home immediately and contact emergency services.
What should I know about heat pumps?
Heat pumps are versatile systems that can both heat and cool a home, making them operable all year. One thing you should do if you have a heat pump system is have it inspected for leaks a few times during the year. At no time should your heat pump leak refrigerant.
Get all of your heating questions answered by the experienced heating professionals at F.H. Furr Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning. To learn more or for heating repair in Fairfax, VA area, give us a call at (703) 540-4838 or contact us online today.
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