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Flood Protection: 2 Important Tips!

This is what I heard on the radio yesterday morning, and boy, do I believe it! Only two nights ago I received a call from a friend, a plea for help as his basement flooded. Upon arrival, I surveyed a full-sized basement living area with water seeping in from every wall. My first question: “Do you have a sump pump, and if so…what happened to it!?” And it only got worse!

Within a few hours, we were wading around in over two inches of water, frantically saving precious heirlooms and carrying as much as we could upstairs and away from the flooding. As it happened, there WAS a sump pump…one which hadn’t worked for 18 years. During the hours of frantic cleaning and removing buckets of water from the floor, I considered how easily this all could have been avoided and vowed I’d write a post with 2 tips that every homeowner should have in order to avoid the same fate as my friend did! Flood protection could save you hassle and money!

Tip #1. Have a working sump pump. Let me emphasize this word; a WORKING sump pump. If you read that statement and couldn’t mentally check off where the pump is in your home or if it’s working, then you need to check that out, pronto! My buddy had a sump pump that didn’t work and the logic was that they hadn’t needed it, so they’d never really kept up with it. Well, turns out they did need it in a big way! If you don’t have a sump pump in your home or you have a pump that isn’t functioning the way it should…contact us! If you don’t know if it’s working….call us! We’ll send a plumber out to your home for free* and they’ll give you estimates as well as info on what type of sump pump your home needs. Having your sump pump and other plumbing related equipment maintained can be crucial to your home’s safety.

Tip #2. Have a Battery Backup Sump Pump. Say you find yourself in the situation where your sump pump does go out, heaven forbid, you NEED a backup. A battery backup sump pump is a must for times when the power goes out, your regular sump pump isn’t pumping quite enough or you find that it’s just not working at all. Installing a backup can mean the difference between a regular evening at home and your basement becoming a modern-day Noah’s Ark. In addition to the inconvenience of the initial flooding, you’re also looking at residual effects that can linger long after the water is gone. Carpet and drywall replacement, mold and mildew…the list is unending! A battery backup will save you from the worry of these types of flooding disasters.

As the summer approaches, we’ll be susceptible to summer storms and heavy rain, it’s just part of the season, but flooding doesn’t have to be. Make sure to have F.H. Furr’s technicians come out to your home and give you advice and options on how to protect you and your family with the use sump pumps! You thank us later!

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