How to Change the Look of your Kitchen In Alexandria, VA
It’s spring: skies are blue, flowers are in bloom, rain showers dot the afternoon. It’s the time of growth and change. If your kitchen is stuck somewhere back in 1970, never fear. With just a few easy upgrades, you can bring this overlooked room into the new millennium. Here’s how to change the look of your kitchen!
- Paint. Why is this the #1 suggestion on our list? It’s cheap and easy. All it takes is a few gallons of paint and a weekend (along with some patience) to make a noticeable difference in the look of your kitchen. If you have a small and/or dark kitchen, go for light colors, such as sage green or buttery yellow. If you want to add a little life to an otherwise dull room, go for red. Avoid burnt orange at all costs.
- Update your fixtures. Ditch the shiny faux-gold fixtures so inexplicably popular among designers and construction companies. Instead, opt for something a little more subtle. Not sure how to switch out these fixtures? Give F.H. Furr a call and let a pro handle it.
- Think about the smell. When doing renovations, people tend to think more about the visual aspects of a room, but one of the first things we typically notice when walking into a room is the smell. Invest in a better garbage disposer, along with garbage cans and recycling bins with tight lids. And please, please, keep the litter box elsewhere.
- Replace your appliances. If you bought your refrigerator when you got married and your firstborn is now headed off to college, it’s time to say goodbye. Bonus: newer appliances not only look sleeker, they are often more energy efficient. It may require forking out a little money up front, but the savings will be well worth it.
- Install new cabinets or countertops. This isn’t an easy or cheap upgrade, but the results will be well worth it if you’re looking to do a sizeable overhaul of your kitchen. If purchasing entirely new cabinets is out of the question right now, consider staining the ones you already have.
If you’ve been neglecting your kitchen, this is the perfect time to show it some TLC. Call us today to find out ways you can improve your home’s efficiency and comfort! If you’re interested in further information, contact F.H. Furr at (703) 540-4838.