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Winter Allergies….And How To Prevent Them!

Most of us consider allergies to be a spring and fall problem, but for many who find themselves with runny noses, itchy eyes, sore throats and incessant sneezing during the winter…they’re looking for a way to make things a little more tolerable! 

Normal spring and fall allergies are a common response to outdoor allergens like ragweed and pollen, the difference between those seasonal allergies and winter allergies is that winter symptoms are triggered by substances INSIDE the home. Substances like mites, mold, pet dander or dust can make winter life miserable! While these issues are usually lurking year round, they affect you more during the winter due to the fact that you’re shut into the house with all of the windows closed and your furnace potentially circulating more than it does during more mild weather.

Fortunately, there are some simple ways to nip winter allergies in the bud! Follow these tips to breathe a litter easier this season!

  1. Change Your Furnace Filter – Your heat is pumping at high, so if your filter is dirty, it’s allowing more pollutants into the air…not to mention it will raise your utility bills because it has to work double time to disperse properly heated air when the filter is clogged. Change your filter every three months or as recommended by your HVAC service technician.
  2. Vacuum Regularly — While some people might be in the habit of doing this, a lot of us go days or weeks without realizing we haven’t vacuumed our carpets and floors. Fibers in the carpet cling onto pet dander, hair, and dust mites, so every time you walk into a room you’re sending pollutants into your air stream. Consider a vacuum that has a HEPA filter so that allergens are contained.
  3. Get A Handle On Humidity — The humidity levels in your house can greatly improve or decrease your air quality. You can purchase dehumidifiers or humidifiers to try and reach the appropriate humidity levels in each room, but a whole home humidifier or dehumidifier is recommended. These systems allow the air to maintain the proper level of moisture for optimal home and homeowner health!
  4. Change Bedding — Invest in dust-reducing covers and sheets for a better sleeping experience. Be sure to launder your bedding often, at least once a week to clear out any allergens that have settled into the fibers. 

For a true indoor air quality improvement, consider investing in duct cleaning or an EnviroAire IAQ UV Whole Home Purification System. These will help to truly keep your home clean and the air breathable all winter long! Have more questions about indoor air quality (IAQ)? Schedule an IAQ specialist from F.H. Furr to visit and help you determine the best air cleaning solution for you and your home!

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