6 Surprising Signs That You Need A Dehumidifier
As summer swiftly approaches, you’ll begin to notice that dreaded DC Metro Area humidity seeping into your home. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the ideal level of humidity in the home is 45%, but around here that level is nearly impossible to achieve as temperatures rise. When you ignore that excessive humidity and turn up your cooling to compensate, your utility bills will soar, and this is why so many homes are so expensive to keep cool during the summer months. A Whole-Home dehumidifier can help to create a more balanced environment while minimizing contaminants like mold and mildew, improving your indoor air quality in the process.
Wondering how you can tell if your home is overly-humid? Here are 6 ways to spot a dire need for a dehumidifier in your home:
1. Mold Spots—one of the easiest signs to see are mold spots. They are a high indicator of excessive humidity. This is a dangerous problem and can spread quickly, causing health issues and decreasing the value of your home.
2. Condensation Buildup—if you notice that the windows of your home are covered with beads of water or a vapor-like fog on the glass, you have a room with too much moisture. Your home’s humidity is working overtime!
3. Musty Odors—an old or musty smell in your home almost always means that mildew and mold are present. These contaminants thrive on moisture, which starts to collect in areas like basements, garages, and crawlspaces. This can be unappealing as well as dangerous for the health of the homeowners.
4. Water Damage Stains—water stains along your walls and ceilings are a sign of excess moisture. Be sure to have a professional inspect water stains to be sure you don’t have pipe leakage. If you see the damage, the water is already present and a dehumidifier will help begin the drying-up process!
5. Rotting or Buckling Wood—wood retains moisture and with an overload, it will begin to buckle and rot. Rotting wood attracts unwanted pests like termites, and the damage can be both internal and cosmetic, causing you to consider expensive remodeling. Even musical instruments like pianos, harps, or cellos can fall victim to this humidity issue.
6. Worsened Allergy Symptoms—allergy-prone homeowners will notice a significant increase in allergy troubles due to their indoor air quality. Excess moisture in the air breeds airborne allergens like dust mites and mold spores. If your allergies act up while you’re inside, you likely are experiencing poor indoor air quality. Humidity levels can also cause simple discomforts like chapped lips and more serious issues like respiratory breathing problems for those with asthma or chronic illness.
You don’t have to go to extreme measures to get improved indoor air quality in your home, you can maintain it by getting a whole-home dehumidifier installed! Call on the experienced HVAC technicians at F.H. Furr to keep your home cool, safe, and cost-effective!