Is Your House Prepared For A Power Outage?
Unfortunately, power outages are occurring more often than ever before in Northern Virginia and Maryland area. The longer the lights are out, the more harm it does. What an inconvenience. Now you have to figure out how to store your food, keep cell phones charged, and kids calm while sitting in the dark. Luckily there is an answer, backup generators. Homeowners are turning to backup generators to keep their homes safe and comfortable during prolonged periods without power.
Fortunately, today’s backup generators are quieter and automatically start when the power shuts off, so you don’t have to lift a finger. Best part? It will last during the whole power outage, so no need to worry about spoiled food or no way to call for help.
Whole-home standby generators range anywhere from 5 kilowatts up to hundreds of kW. This makes them the best choice for dealing with a long-term power outage. It will also increase the value of your home!! YAY!
What to look for in a whole-home generator. By selecting which appliances and lighting you want to maintain during a power outage, you can calculate the power requirements of the designated circuits and select a generator that can maintain the proper wattage for your application. Most residential generators can run on both natural gas and LP (propane). Your installer will do a simple field adjustment to convert the generator to your available fuel source. A whole-home generator will be permanently installed in a location that provides easy access to your home’s electric and fuel supply, and that minimizes the risk of exhaust fumes entering the home.
If you are still on the fence about whether or not you need a whole-home generator. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:
- What would you like to keep operating in your home?
- What is the amperage size of your main panel?
- Where is the best location in your home for a generator-to-gas hookup?
- Which style of transfer switch would be best for your home?
- Are you interested in an eco-friendly transfer switch?
- Do you want to run more appliances with a smaller generator?
Have backup power generator questions? The experts at F.H. Furr can help you select the best whole-home generator solution to fit your family’s needs and budget.